
Feel calm.

Improves mood via the microbiome and nervous system.

Reduce fatigue.

Better regulated energy means you feel less tired.

Get better sleep.

Get a deeper, more restful sleep.

Aid mental clarity.

Think clearly, and concentrate for longer.

Pure, powerful ingredients

Bifidobacterium bifidum


Lion's Mane


gluten free

no filters

no contaminants

Mind Focus Reviews

What our customers have to say about our products.

Increased Productivity and Clarity with Adday Mind Focus!

Mark Reid

One of the standout features for me was the absence of the typical energy crash experienced with some other focus supplements. I felt a sustained level of alertness and mental clarity throughout the day


Gareth Hoyle

It felt like I was receiving a product of value.

It really worked for me!

Joanne Nicklin

It is definitely a product I would want on my shelf at home. What’s more, it really worked for me. I found I was able to concentrate with more clarity! 


"Adday is activating the gut as an effective engine room for human health and wellbeing."


Consistency is key.

The microbiome is a living organism. With consistent input, it diversifies. By taking your supplements daily, you can improve your gut health over time, in a sustainable way.

Product information

Decant sachet into a glass. Combine with 250 - 300ml room temperature water, do not use hot water. Stir until combined. A small amount of sediment is normal. Drink immediately.

Stir, drink, benefit.

How to mix your Adday.

Formulated as a sachet in powder form, this format is the most bioavailable and efficient way to absorb nutrients into the body.

Decant sachet into a glass.

Combine with 250 - 300ml room temperature water, do not use hot water.

Note: A small amount of sediment is normal.

Drink immediately.

Diverse bacteria, diverse fibre.

The more strains, the more diversity. With 8 strains of bacteria proven to assist gut health, your microbiome will thank you for it.